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Enjoying SwiftUI

Blog  •  SwiftUI

This year I've been learning SwiftUI (again), before even knowing everything about Swift. That's fine, I guess, learning after all it's a non-linear path. Well, at least I believe it is.

Anyways, I'm trying to build this simple app, to accumulate save links. Why would one do that nowadays, where there are plenty of apps out there that does exactly the same thing? Well I guess because it's not illegal to build something to learn a new language because why not?

It's been a fun ride so far, and I'm glad that I managed to make the main feature actually work, meaning; saving links.

Not only that, but also sharing links from Safari via the Share Sheet thingy.

Now I'm just trying to stylizing a bit more all the components and sooner I'll be publishing to the App Store.

Writing Swift and SwiftUI code brings me back happy memories and I don't know why.

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