Destructuring with default value


If you’re familiar with ES6/ES2015, you probably have heard about Destructuring, right? Me too, but there’s one thing I wasn’t aware of. Destructuring with default value!


From the awesome MDN:

The destructuring assignment syntax is a JavaScript expression that makes it possible to extract data from arrays or objects into distinct variables.

The basic idea is that you can easily get any specific property from an object, so instead of doing this:

const obj = { foo: 123, bar: 456, baz: 000, other: 'other' }

console.log( // 123
console.log( // 456

You can pull all the properties you’d desire like so:

const obj = { foo: 123, bar: 456, baz: 000, other: 'other' }
const { foo, bar } = obj

console.log(foo) // 123
console.log(bar) // 456

Default value

But what if the property we would like is undefined, or if is not defined at all? 🤔

As you can see bellow, we’d get an undefined if we tried to access that property.

const obj = { bar: 456, baz: 000, other: 'other' }
// or
// const obj = { foo: undefined, bar: 456, baz: 000, other: 'other' }
// or
// const obj = { foo, bar: 456, baz: 000, other: 'other' }
const { foo } = obj

console.log(foo) // undefined

For sure you can use a condition to verify if the property has a value or if it exists, but we can do better, we can define a default value!

const obj = { bar: 456, baz: 000, other: 'other' }
// or
// const obj = { foo: undefined, bar: 456, baz: 000, other: 'other' }
// or
// const obj = { foo, bar: 456, baz: 000, other: 'other' }
const { foo = 'My default value' } = obj

console.log(foo) // 'My default value'

And we can use for arrays too…

const [a = 'Default value', b] = [, 20, 30]

console.log(a) // 'Default value'

That’s it! I just wanted to share this little thing that I’ve learned today. And you, what have you learned today?