Now... it's been a loooong while since my last post, that's for sure.
After a long while, I think I'm back.
And with a brand new design and platform.
I decided to migrate to Ghost. Before I was using 11ty and to be honest there's nothing wrong with it. The problem is me, as per usual.
I realized that I prefer CMS over SSG, since I can focus more on my writing, instead of having an eternal mental wrestling with all the process involved to simple create a blog post.
Yes, yes, I know, we can always automate pretty much all the process to avoid that headache, but for me, having a CMS where you can type freely and hit publish is priceless.
Besides, I've been using Ghost on my other website and blog, and I noticed I blogged way more over the past few years of using Ghost, than prior that, when I was using 11ty (and Jekyll) before that.
Anyways, this is just a post to mark this new era.