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Mostly long-form essays on coding and other shenanigans.

Enjoying SwiftUI

Is this thing working?

Apple Sidecar, an aspiring artist's perspective

One simple thing I like the most about Swift

A11Y Meetup Berlin talk

Learning Haskell - Common types

Learning Haskell - Introducing types

Ruby HTML element

Learning Haskell - Pattern matching

Can you buy a mouse without a mouse?

Learning Haskell - Rules for recursion

Learning Haskell - Lists

Detect Reduce Motion on the Web and iOS

Learning Haskell - First-class functions

Learning Haskell - Lambda functions

Learning Haskell

Goodbye, 2017

Destructuring with default value

On pursuit of productivity

CSS - The initial value

CSS is dead - Long live (post)CSS

BrazilJS Conf 2015 — eu fui!